New York Oral, Maxillofacial, and Implant Surgery

Important Information Regarding COVID-19

COVID-19 safe provider with safety protocols
As oral and maxillofacial surgeons, we have never been fully closed, even during the worst days of the pandemic in our area. We took our responsibilities to our patients, the Westchester community, and to supporting our area health care system very seriously. We are now fully open, and our office protocol is compliant with the recommendations of the American Dental Association and the CDC for COVID-19. All doctors and staff have received the COVID-19 vaccination.

Below are a few of the changes in our office protocol you may encounter:
•  All staff and patients are required to answer COVID-19 pre-screening questions prior to arrival and upon arrival.
•  All staff, patients, and escorts will have their temperatures taken upon entry into our office.
•  Clinical staff wear N95/KN95 masks and/or level 3 masks, full body gowns, bonnets, and face shields or other eye protection during procedures.
•  Social Distancing protocols include:
•  Please call our office prior to entry as we are minimizing patient-patient contact by minimizing patients in our waiting room.
•  Masks are required for all patients and escorts.
•  If you are coming with an escort, the escort will be required to wait in their car while you are being treated. Please provide our staff with a cell phone number for us to reach them easily.
•  To minimize in-office contacts and your time in our office, we have instituted a contactless payment protocol. To facilitate this, to make payment, our office staff will ask you to give them a credit card number prior to your treatment.

•  We have added high-capacity HEPA air purification systems in the waiting room and treatment rooms. These systems are running all day and have the capacity to filter all the air in the room every 15 minutes.
•  We have added a high-speed evacuation system for use in aerosol-producing procedures.
•  As a surgical facility, we have always followed strict disinfection and sterilization protocols. In addition to the above, we are wiping down all surfaces in the treatment rooms, waiting area, checkout area, and restroom regularly. We have multiple hand sanitizer stations that we encourage you to use frequently.

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COVID-19 Info - Scarsdale, NY • NYOMIS Oral Surgery
At NYOMIS, we are fully open and accepting patients. Our office protocols are in compliance with the ADA and CDC to put safety first. Visit us at 495 Central Park Ave, Scarsdale, NY for safe dental care!
New York Oral, Maxillofacial, and Implant Surgery, 495 Central Park Ave #201, Scarsdale, NY 10583 - (914) 768-8220 - - 2/11/2025 - Page Terms:dental implants Scarsdale NY -